No one ever looked back from the deathbed and said,
'I wish I'd spent more time at the office.'
~ Bruce Davis

You can read



these but you can't escape




the fact that you have to sleep and




eat once in a while and no matter what you are going to die

Prose, truth, and a little about love 3536
What is the job of the author? Accuracy or imagination, is reality truth?

In Memory of Hunter S. Thompson 3530
"Hey, maybe, umm, I can get you something. What do you want?" I figured he was offering to make a drink...

Purgatory Pete's Pancakes and Spirits 5665
This is a story of Sal the private eye who finds quite a bit more than he is looking for.

Birks Works 8198
Birk is a young man with a different perspective on reality. Our world to him is but a shell for the real universe.

The Worms of the Mind 12619
How the subconscious communicates with the conscious.

The Hiking of the Heliotrope 3847
An experiment in iambic pentameter.

Faery Tale 5508
A twisted tale of... um, well, you will have to make your own choice with this one.

Road Trip, 1994, South Korea 7045
An essay about three days on the road in South Korea with two musicians and an 18 year old kid named Scott. And yes, there really were UFO's on the horizon that night on the east coast.

Vikings 6252
Short Pythonesque sketch about some vikings going to battle.

Madness 5342
What can I say except, "Beware the happy plunger dance!" Be very beware...

Frum 3910
A short poem about something I'm not going to mention here. Frum, the follicles of nostrilness.

Music and how to escape the Universe 1015
Such philosophy, such interesting word usements, but what does it mean? Really?


All of these writing are copyright by Scot Ranney, even if they are less than literary golden orbs of light.
Any use of them outside of this web page must be approved by Scot Ranney.

If you look for something hard enough, you will find it. That's the easy part. The difficulty lies in what comes next?


They sought it with thimbles, they sought it with care;
They pursued it with forks and hope;
They threatened it's life with a railroad share;
They charmed it with smiles and soap.

From Lewis Carrol's, The Hunting of the Snark

patron: "Hey, let's have some JAZZ music!"
sax: "What kind of fish does he want?"
drums: "Give him some tea. He wants tea."
bass: "How about we phase him and THEN take the oreos?"
piano: "I heard about that tea."
"Oh 'tis the scurby waddle which perbs the
slippant vumlop, or say the clig mullert."

Mambo Scrambe
est 1995, copyright © TM